2 Business Lawyers near Chicago, IL

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 650 Castro Street, Mountain View, CA 94041
Business Lawyers

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At Moduv Legal Services we are committed to providing the highest level of legal services and best possible outcomes for our clients. We have several years of experience in providing exceptional estate planning, business formation and social security representation services to clients. View more

 3104 E Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ
Business Lawyers

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5 years ago

When my wife and I came to realization that we would have to file a patent, we knew we would need help. However, I had never hired an attorney before, and I didn't know where to begin to start looking. Then my wife's friend recommended Michael to us, and I'm so grateful she did. He immediately puts you…

Steve Young

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Completed customers requests for Business Lawyers

Bankruptcy Attorneys request from Tracy Harrison

Hammond, IN 46323

Type of entity filed: Individual.  Type of bankrupcy: Chapter 7 - liquidation.  Type(s) of debt: Credit card, Medical expenses, Student loans, Bank loans, Car payment.  Previous bankrupcy filings: No.  Type of meeting: I travel to the bankruptcy lawyer.  Schedule for meeting: As soon as possible.  Special requests: No. 
Bankruptcy Attorneys request from Sierra Ivery

Chicago, IL 60636

Type of entity filed: Individual.  Type of bankrupcy: Chapter 7 - liquidation.  Type(s) of debt: Credit card, Student loans.  Previous bankrupcy filings: No.  Type of meeting: The bankruptcy lawyer travels to me.  Schedule for meeting: Im not sure.  Special requests: Not specified.